Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

The Last Word

For those of you who are tied up with work or other responsibilities during the week, I can assure you there’s always something going on at First Christian Church. Right now, the line dancers are keeping fit in our fellowship hall (and obviously having a lot of fun doing so). There’s a crew of volunteers working on the new family/handicapped accessible bathroom and the office is buzzing with people stopping by to see to the details of their ministries. Tomorrow, with this newsletter going out and Wednesday night activities quickly approaching, it will be even busier.

It is a joy to see our building being used not only for our own ministries, but also by other groups in the community. There are almost always cars in the parking lot and happy voices ringing out through the hallways.

This Sunday, Pastor Brian and I will be sharing a message on being an outward focused church. As we learn from the story of Abraham and Sarah, God has blessed us to be a blessing – and blessings always flow outward.

First Christian Church has been blessed in so many ways. How might you join with us in sharing that blessing with our community and the world?

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