Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Youth Groups are in Full Swing

I am excited to report that youth groups are off to a fantastic start! The valuable leaders and helpers that make the evening run smoothly are the secret to the success of our youth groups. Each age level needs a variety of loving adults who use their gifts to organize the lessons, lead discussions, communicate effectively with children and build one-on-one relationships with each child or teen. Without a complete team of volunteers, a youth group cannot be as effective.

Studies show that every child needs five consistent adults who are plugged into their lives actively communicating, guiding and showing an interest in them as a Christian. It is my prayer that our youth group leaders and Sunday school teachers are among the five consistent adults in the lives of the children at FCC that encourage them in their faith journey.

I am always looking for volunteers that will share their passion for Jesus and help children learn how to put their faith into action. Would you consider investing one of your 168 busy hours per week to support children as they face fears and challenges, and teach them about how valuable they are to God and how important they are to the Kingdom of God.

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