Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Behind the Scenes from the Staff

Sunday I was led to pray that we all listen for God’s voice to prompt us to reach out with His message of hope and peace, and to move when we felt a nudge of prompting by the Spirit.

In this season of Advent, new faces will be seen at our worship services, seeking the message of Jesus in Christmas. Think back to your first visits to First Christian Church.

Were you welcomed by a warm smile and an outstretched hand? If you remember what a difference that made for you, perhaps it is time for you to join our Greeters Ministry! Call the church office, 319.524.5266 and we will help you discover how to play a part in this vital ministry.

There is always room in our pews and at our tables for anyone seeking the hope and peace that only Jesus can offer – thank you for prayerfully seeking that nudge from God to discover how you are “to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ” while inside these walls!