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The Last Word

On January 6 we celebrated Epiphany, the day the wisemen traditionally caught up with the Holy Family. One of the details Matthew includes in his nativity story is that after giving the baby Jesus their gifts, “the wisemen returned by another road.” (Matt. 2:12)

Like the magi in the story, I believe we also stand at a crossroads. We now stand at the beginning of a new year. The question we should ask ourselves as we look to the future is do we want to travel the same roads that brought us to where we are today, or should we allow God to point our lives in a new direction?

So often at this time of the year people make big resolutions about their lives. But I say, think small – the smaller the better. Jesus said, “Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much…”

Perhaps if we allow God to guide us in the small moments, the moments when no one else is watching, the big things will take care of themselves. Allow God to guide you down every road in 2015, even the back roads, and it will most certainly be a happy New Year.

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