Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Behind the Scenes from the Staff

An afternoon of cooking led to the special occasion of an entire family dinner. Extra hands made the meal happen and gave me time with our granddaughters! Additional hands handled after dinner details, giving Papa time with the “girlies”.

When the day was over, I was not exhausted, I was exhilarated!
As Nominating Committee work heads into full swing, I am reminded of my “dream day”. A meal planned, prepared, cleaned up. A family blessed by working and sharing together.

The same can be said for our church! We need planners, leaders, preparers, cleaners, servers and pray-ers …Ministry Group members, Deacons, Elders, Committee members, Ministry Group Chair people, etc.!

Join me in praying for our Nominating Committee as they plan, pray and ask. If you are asked, please pray over your decision before giving an answer. Listen for God’s prompting and trust that if He brings you to a position, He will bring you through the process of serving as well.

We are designed to serve by our Creator – let Him be exhilarated at watching our church family in action!

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