Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

The Last Word

The Lenten season begins next Wednesday (February 18). Lent is a time of reflection, repentance, and self-discovery. Therefore, this year at First Christian Church you are invited to find your place in the journey of faith, both in L.I.F.E groups and in worship.

On Wednesday evenings, folks in our L.I.F.E groups will be discovering the S.H.A.P.E. of their lives. Each one of us has a unique combination of gifts, passions, abilities, temperaments and experiences. Through short, simple tests and group study, our distinctive ministry fingerprints will come fully into view – allowing us to serve in ways that not only build up the church, but are also appropriate for who we are.

Our Lenten sermon series is “Finding Your Place on the Journey to the Cross.” We will make the journey with Jesus from his temptation in the wilderness to his triumphal entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. On Easter, we will explore what it means to live a resurrected life with Jesus as our risen king and savior.

Perhaps you have felt unsure about where you fit in. Maybe you have served in ways that didn’t feel quite right. Now is the time to discover how and where you might join Jesus in the journey of faith!

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