Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Sharing Your Time & Talent!

It’s an exciting time of the year at FCC.  This weekend is not only graduation weekend, but also Youth Sunday. There has been so much planning, practicing and giving of time to make Youth Sunday a success.  Hats off to Miss Janel and the youth/music leaders for making it all “come together.”

Weekly I spend Monday evening preparing the worship slides for 8:00 and 10:05 and the announcements for all of the worship services.  This week’s slides were a little more time consuming to give all of the kiddos their “due credit!”  As I typed each name on the slide, I found myself thanking God that each one of these kiddos call FCC their church home.  I also thanked God that we have youth and music leaders willing to give of their time to teach them about Jesus.

Our tithing should not only include 10% of our money, but 10% of our time as well.  Don’t be afraid to share your time and talent with God.  Call the church office, and we’ll “plug you in!”

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