Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

The Last Word

We are in the midst of updating our church website and I was given the job of writing the “Who We Are” section.  It has turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be.  Do I focus on the variety of worship services we offer?  Do I highlight the amazing music we have at all our services?  How about our small groups or the ministries we have with children and youth?

If possible, I would prefer to capture the “heart” of who we are – but that isn’t easy either.  There is this…  My wife, Tammy, once said she’d know we had found the right church when we found a place where people would stop and pray for one another in the hallways.  This is something that happens regularly at First Christian Church.  We are a people who love God and love one another.

            When we set out to write our mission statement a few years ago, Cathie Courtois said, “It’s simple!  Just BE JESUS!”  It grew a little from there.  Our mission now is “to be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.”  That is not only who we are, but who we hope always to be.

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