Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

The Last Word

As I write this week’s column, the General Assembly of the Christian Church is already well underway.  I’ve had the opportunity to attend amazing worship services and challenging workshops.

Something I’m hearing over and over again is that we can no longer afford to wait in our buildings for people to come to us.  In the same way Jesus and his disciples went out into the world to seek the least, the last, and the lost, so must we also leave the safety of our buildings in order to be and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  As one of our moderators said just a few minutes ago, “Go out into the streets… I promise you will meet Jesus there.”

Hearing all this has confirmed that the Spirit is moving in our midst at First Christian.  In the next few weeks, we will be introducing the theme for the next year that will guide and shape our life together:  “Journey with Jesus into the World.”  See what I mean?

And how appropriate that on the Saturday before our Disciple’s Together Worship (August 23rd), we will join together for our second annual Mission Day!   Stay tuned for more information.  It’s going to be a great year!

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