Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Choir Practice Resumes

Do you love to sing in your car, in the shower, while mowing the grass?? Do you love to praise God through song? Would you like to join your voice with others who love to sing praise? If the answer is yes we would love to have you join us in the adult choir! We are a group of volunteer singers from 9th grade – ??? with a common love of praising God through singing. We have varied musical backgrounds ranging from little to no experience to those who have sung in the choir for over 50 years. Reading music is not required, just a commitment of your time in service to God.

A typical Wednesday night goes something like this: we gather & chat, we laugh, we pray, we celebrate each other’s praises, we laugh some more…and oh yes, we sing and work hard because we want to give our best. Then we say good bye knowing we have a special group of friends celebrating with us and praying for us until we meet again.

We practice each Wednesday at 7:30 and sing most Sundays at the 10:05 service. If you wish to join or have questions, please contact Debbie Spears at 524-5816, or just join us on September 2nd in the sanctuary. We hope you will consider adding your voice to the choir!

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