Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Fall Ministry Begins!

The first of September is always an exciting time at First Christian Church!

For one, we are just coming down from the high of Disciples Together Worship. A little more than a week ago, we had 414 people from all four of our worship services make the trek to Rand Park for a beautiful day of worship and fellowship. You can see pictures of the event on our Facebook page. I especially enjoyed the sight of 2 dozen kids rolling down the hill for our children’s time! We also had 8 people come forward to either confess or rededicate their faith in Jesus Christ. It was a great day.

In addition to that, things are looking good for our upcoming L.I.F.E. (Living In Faith Everyday) groups. We had a full house last Wednesday night for our Ice Cream Social as many of our members took the opportunity to sign up for fall activities. All children’s, youth, and adult small groups will begin on Wednesday, September 9th at 6:30 p.m. And don’t forget about Simple Suppers at 6:00!

It is going to be a great year of ministry and mission together as we “Journey with Jesus into the World!”

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