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Stewardship of Time

When I was in seminary, I had a professor of practical ministry named Loren Broadus who had written a book called, “How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Living.” It was required reading for first year seminary students.

Loren Broadus did his best to impress on me and my classmates how important it is to be good stewards of our time. One exercise he had us do involved keeping a log of how we spent our time during a one week period. When that was done, he asked us to put each block of time under a group heading: schoolwork, sleeping, family time, etc. The final step was to make a list of our values and then determine whether our time management matched up with our values. Needless to say, many of us discovered we were spending a lot of time on things that were not at the top of our values list.

You may have heard it said that “time is money.” Well, it’s actually much more than that – and it is a resource God calls us to use wisely. Join us for worship this coming weekend as we explore how we might be better stewards of our time.

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