Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Learning to Walk with Jesus

Beginning this Sunday, we are launching a new sermon series called “On the Road to Emmaus.” Using the story of the two disciples in Luke 24, to whom the risen Christ appeared as a stranger on the road, we will be exploring how we can also learn to walk in the power of Jesus’ resurrection.

Luke doesn’t tell us how those disciples felt as they traveled away from Jerusalem after Jesus’ death – but it doesn’t take too much imagination to guess they were pretty shattered by what had happened. They were probably feeling about as lost and as separated from God as they had ever felt in their lives. But isn’t it interesting that it was precisely at that moment the living Christ came alongside of them and journeyed with them?

The promise of scripture is that God’s love for us never diminishes and never goes away. Sometimes we may only recognize God’s presence in retrospect, but it’s always there. Just as the Risen Christ rekindled faith and joy in the first disciples, he does for us, too. Join us in worship as we discover how the Risen Christ walks with us – even in the most troubling times.

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