Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Oh, Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear…

The first time she said it, I giggled with her. “Look! Silly Jesus.” The second comment drew my attention. “Aw, Jesus is nice!” And then as Pastor David flipped to yet another sermon slide, my 2 year old granddaughter says, “There’s Jesus and his friends!”

Now I was stunned! We were doing such a fine job playing with stickers I doubted she had any idea Pastor David was even talking. Now here was this sweet child looking up at the pictures on the wall, commenting as David brought the message about Jesus reminding the disciples (and us) of their calling on the road to Emmaus.

As I apologized to David after worship for her chatter, he was gracious and amused, and then we both said what I hope you all know to be true of worship here at FCC. Children are welcome here! Children will absorb much more than we realize when they play in the nursery, gather in a circle at Sunday school or Youth Group, or sit beside someone who cares about them during one of our four worship services.

Oh be careful, fellow adults, what you say, hear and do, for the Father up above is looking down in love, and our little ones are listening! I pray God looks down on FCC to see a long-lasting legacy of little ones who know beyond a shadow of a doubt who our Jesus is!

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