Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Spiritually Stuck?

The Good News of the Gospel is that we are freed from selfishness and sin to live our lives joyfully. However, sometimes even the best of us can get into a rut.

Years ago, the Denver Zoo was offered the gift of a polar bear. The only problem was that there was no existing room, so the board of directors decided to build a magnificent new habitat. In the meantime, the bear was put in a small temporary cage. The space was so small it could only take three steps up, turn around and walk three steps back, day after day. Because of unforeseen delays, the construction of the habitat took well over a year. When it was finished, it was beautiful. When the polar bear finally entered its new home, however, it looked around, took three steps forward, turned around, took three steps back…

Sometimes we all need to get a better perspective on our lives and our relationship with God. In a few weeks, we will have an opportunity to do that with our upcoming Spiritual Life Seminar (see p. 1).

I encourage you to make time in your life for spiritual growth and renewal. You’ll be glad you did!

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