Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Election Day & Every Day

I write my Last Word on Election day morning – having already cast my ballot. Tonight, we’ll know more about who’ll be leading us for the next four years. Some will be pleased, while others will no doubt be disappointed.

I’ve heard many people say that regardless of who is elected today, on November 9th, just like every other day, God will reign. That is true and always will be. As disciples of Jesus, our ultimate commitment is to one whose Kingdom is not of this world. Although we pray for and support our elected leaders, we are guided not by political ideology, but by faith in God who loves us and calls us to love others.

I am a follower of Jesus before anything else. But I do want to take this opportunity to express pride in my nation. The rest of the world may have been entertained by our presidential campaigns this year, but they still look on with envy and respect at the orderly transition of power that happens every four years in America.

We live in a great nation with great responsibilities in the world. May God always bless and guide the United States of America!

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