Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Giving Thanks

When things are going well, it’s easy to take things for granted. For instance, you never stop to be thankful for two strong ankles until you sprain one and suddenly realize how important they are for locomotion.

Too often, I dig right into a meal without stopping for even a moment to be grateful for God’s provision. I had a seminary professor that once told us he simply prayed a prayer of thanksgiving over his grocery cart every week so he knew he was covered. That’s one way to do it!

We have a short prayer in my family we try to remember to pray at mealtimes. You might want to try it, too. It goes: “Thank you, Lord, for taking care of our needs every day.” It’s simple, to the point, and a great reminder of from where all our blessings flow.

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for many things – but I’m especially thankful for the people of First Christian Church. You have made me a better pastor, preacher and counselor. I am glad every day to join you in “being and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

I pray you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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