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Making Room!

I love Mondays! The phone is ringing off the hook! There’s a sermon to write (I’ve lost all my notes), there’s someone who needs plumbing help at their house, and, the fridge needs cleaned to have enough space for Wednesday’s Youth Mission Trip Ham Dinner! Woo hoo!

After cleaning out a few things, rearranging a lot more, and then consolidating lots of “large containers with not much in them” to “smaller containers filled to the top”, I grinned. No doubt, it was a whirlwind of a weekend that seeped over into my Monday morning. And then just like that, God worked through a refrigerator to teach me. I love seeing a new space with room for potential. It felt good to take an unorganized mess and find a place for each item. Hmmm….ever suppose God feels that way about us?

Making room in the fridge for that meal will not only fill our bellies, it fills our need for fellowship and time together in God’s house. Likewise, when we make room for God to rearrange, clean, and consolidate our messes/worries/struggles, we can be filled with peace, contentment, hope, and even joy! Make room – and then trust God to give just what you need! 13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13, NLT)

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