Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

The Power of Easter

It must almost be Easter! We go from beautiful spring days to snow and back to the 60’s again. Yes, that’s spring in Iowa. And with spring comes Easter! Easter lilies will beautify the sanctuary Easter weekend. The lily symbolizes life, purity, hope and the spiritual meaning of Easter; while the cross reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the promise of eternal life.

Grace is the heart of the Christian faith. Nowhere is this more clearly seen than at the cross of Christ. It is grace that the Son of God took on flesh and grace that He taught us how to live—but it is especially grace that He died on the cross in our place.

On Easter weekend, take a moment to smell a lily. Take a moment to study the cross. Think about Jesus’ suffering–the nails that held him to the cross and the incredible pain He suffered for you and me. Jesus’ death wasn’t just an act of love; it defines love! His death enables us to have a joy-filled relationship with God. It’s our job to share God’s love with others; invite a friend Easter weekend!

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