Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Out of Place…

As I walked across the parking lot, something was different and strange – worms! Easily hundreds of worms were wriggling across the cement. Where did they come from? And why would they choose to head across the vastness of the parking lot?

Sound familiar? We head down paths that lead us into struggle, destination unknown. We allow things to pull us away from where we are meant to be, and the One we are meant to follow.

Later that morning, guess what the pigeons were doing in the parking lot? I know how creation works. But I couldn’t help but think that if those worms had been in the grass where they belonged, they wouldn’t have spent time struggling on the cold cement in a virtual bird buffet. This week, when we struggle, let’s pause and pray instead of continuing to push ahead on our own. When we feel as if we’re not “where we belong”, let’s be mindful of the time we are spending in God’s word, and in worship.

We are never out of place when we gather together at the Lord’s Table. No matter what path you’ve been on, or what you are experiencing in this thing we call life – you are invited to join us in the best expression of love there is. Come, just as you are…you have a place at the table!

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