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Newsletter Ladies…

The love our “newsletter ladies” have and show each week is immeasurable. They come in smiling and chit chatting, always wanting to know how everyone is doing. They are like a little ministry amongst themselves. Each week one of them signs up to bring treats and I provide coffee for them always knowing who takes cream and sugar. These ladies are an asset to our church and our office staff appreciates them!

If you have a passion to get out and about on Wednesdays for a couple of hours in the afternoon, First Christian Church “newsletter ladies” would love to have you join them. Through the months June, July and August we go “bi-weekly!”
Our “newsletter ladies” are the heart and soul for our congregation and beyond, to receive the newsletter, “The Spirit”! Thanks ladies for always being and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ! And…for all of the delicious desserts you share with the staff!

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