Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Offering Envelopes!!!!

Offering envelopes are a very vital part of our financial office! When you place your envelope in the offering plate (or by mailing it to us) you can guarantee efficiency for financial record keeping. We provide offering envelopes for non-electronic giving in our church. These are usually found by our community bulletin board with Starting Point’s being on a table by “ramp” door at the first of each year. If by chance you do not see your box of envelopes, stop by the church office and we will assist in finding them for you.

At the beginning or end of each year, our Business Manager, Doug Hamer adjusts the numbers for the offering envelopes. They do change from year to year as our membership changes. So, your offering envelope number will probably change every year which is why it’s critical to dispose of any leftover envelopes at the end of each year!

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