Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

The Right Fit

Recently I completed a quilt comprised of embroidered hand-print squares. Arranging the quilt took placing all the pieces on the floor, standing back to see how they “fit”, then rearranging. Once completed the quilt looked better than I imagined. I thanked God for the time and the ability to complete this project.

As I thought of obstacles overcome to finish the quilt, it occurred to me that we often miss out in serving here at church because we try connecting in one activity, group, committee, etc. and then give up when it doesn’t look or feel right.

We all have time and abilities that should be used for God! And when we are all in the right place, God looks and sees that “it is good!”

I would love to visit with you about your time, your abilities and how we add (or rearrange!) both for the glory of God!

BTW – Directories are in! Stop in the church office to sign for your copy (if you had your picture taken)!

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