I bet I’m not alone in posing that question.
I have recorded a few steps in my faith journey. Looking back, I see times of struggle because I was doing it “on my own”. Away from worship, away from people who would pray with and for me, away from groups where others would share stories that helped me grow. We talk a lot here about “life is better together” and “finding ways to be connected”. I believe this is true. And when my life is not as it should be, I need real people with hearts for Jesus that grow, love, forgive and learn alongside me.
It’s my deepest desire for each of you. It’s the answer to “Why Me”? It’s why LIFE & Youth Groups, Disciples Together Weekend, Ministry Groups, helping in the kitchen, nursery, greeting, etc. is so important! Those connections to the church in addition to worship remind us over and over of the good news of Jesus!
Talk to me if you have questions, or need help deciding where to connect here… because, why not you?
“Perhaps I will stay with you for a while…so that you can help me on my journey…” 1 Corinthians 16:6