Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Good News!

As your pastor, I often hear stories about how our church is having an impact on people’s lives. The other day, Tammy was talking to one of our newer members, who told her that her family went through a rough patch recently and she needed some extra help with food. She soon found out that the “Kids Against Hunger” backpack program was being supported by food donations from First Christian. Not long after that, she heard about the “Loads of Love” laundry ministry, and discovered it was also a ministry of First Christian. Then, she heard about the “Beds for Kids” program in Keokuk. After making the call, three beds were delivered to her house, complete with sheets, bed spreads and pillows. When she heard that the beds also came from First Christian Church, she said, “That’s the kind of church I want to go to! One that cares about kids and families and is doing things to make lives better. That’s why I came here. And now that things have turned around for me, I’m super excited to think that I can start giving back in some way.”

Thank you, church, for being and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ!

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