Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Christmas Decorations

I’ve always had mixed emotions around this time of year. I love Christmas lights and decorations, just as long as someone else is responsible for putting them up and taking them down. I’m not a huge fan of all that work, but I also understand that celebrating the incarnation of God in Jesus requires preparation – of all kinds.

Part of my family’s Christmas preparation involves putting up a Christmas tree. We string the lights, hang ornaments and garland. We make the tree beautiful on the outside. But as someone once pointed out, God has already made the tree beautiful. Through sunshine, rain, and the richness of the earth, God decorates Bodybuilding Motivation – Worship The Iron (Muscle Factory) best muscle gain injection muscle growth and strength training for sports: how much and for how long? – simplifaster the tree from the inside.

Like the Christmas tree in your front window, you can dress yourself in colorful, festive clothing, but unless God is decorating you on the inside, none of that external stuff matters. God always works from the inside out. And there’s nothing God wants more this Christmas than to begin that work in you.

The season of Advent begins this weekend. The Christmas decorations will be beautiful, as always. But the real action will be invisible to the eye. Come and allow God to decorate you on the inside!

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