Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Christmas Blessings to You All~

At this time of the year, we seem to have a little more gratitude and appreciation for what we DO have while understanding that many folks simply DON’T have much at all.

We ring bells for Salvation Army to help fill their buckets in turn, to help the poor, the less fortunate and victims of fires, etc.

We see food drives throughout helping to provide holiday food baskets for the less fortunate.

We all suffer from time to time in much different ways; and at times, much the same. My thoughts and prayers are extended to each of you for what your needs may be‒ God knows and HE will be my guide. I pray we all can do this for one another, this beautiful Christmas Season and beyond.

I thank God for the blessings HE has given me and for the fears HE has taken from me. Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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