Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Perfect Storm

The snow just keeps coming! As I write this, we are expecting another big snowstorm on Tuesday night. My wife, Tammy, who has been teaching in the Midwest for many years, doesn’t remember a winter as bad as this one in terms of school cancelations.

Unfortunately, many of the snowstorms we have had over the past few months have hit on weekends. Some churches have canceled worship out of an abundance of caution. We have powered through, but our attendance has been severely impacted.

As I announced on Sunday, the bad weather has created a sort of perfect storm for the church financially. Every time it snows or ices over, the church incurs significant expenses with snow plowing and/or salt and sand. Add that to lower attendance and subsequent lower offerings and suddenly we are in deficit spending.

Many of our members already give electronically and their tithes are sent directly to the church every month. Some give online at our website ( or text to give. Some simply put a check in an envelope and mail it to the church. Whatever you can do to help during this dark, cold, snowy season of the year – it is needed and appreciated!

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