Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Being HIS Hands and Feet…

The anticipation is over. The memories are for a life time!

I can say that my first adult mission trip was a huge success! The weather was amazing, sleeping accommodations; very good, food was good and very plentiful (and homemade). The folks we traveled with are super with big hearts and had lots of knowledge to share.

Puerto Rico is recovering, from my eyes, well from hurricane Maria with help from other missionaries, our government, FEMA to name a few. It’s been 15 months since Maria and the foliage has come alive! Their crops are growing, plantains (a staple food in PR), bananas, coconuts, all have come back to full fruit.

Roosters and chickens are EVERY where! The rooster’s colors are vibrant and they sing loudly, being sure to awake us in plenty of time for our devotions and breakfast!

The week was an awesome experience, thank you for your prayers!

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