Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Kids Are Us!

Occasionally, I’ll hear someone say the church needs to make children and youth a priority because “they are the church of tomorrow.” Of course, that’s true, but it misses the fact that they’re also the church of today!

In a time when young people often grow up disconnected from older generations, I’m proud to be a part of a multi-generational community of faith that celebrates not only our young people’s gifts and talents, but also appreciates their vital contribution to our mission “to be and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

I don’t often get a chance to thank our many children and youth ministry volunteers – but I know it’s your commitment to our kids (from the infant nursery to our graduating seniors) that make our church what it is. Your love and faith are making a difference. Thank you to all the people who walk with our kids weekly in faith and love!

This coming weekend is our annual Youth Weekend, when our young people provide the leadership for all four of our regular worship services. It’s a wonderful opportunity to hear from our young people and also show them our love and support. I hope to see you there!

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