Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Freedom Ramp

When we are well and life is fantastic, we take things for granted, even the smallest things.

Many of you know I have a sister fighting the BIG fight, and has been for one year, four months. Every single day since Kaye has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer, she has had some challenge thrown her way. She is STRONG, inspirational and her FAITH is amazing. Well, she’s down to the point where the chemo treatments have taken a toll on her body.

We take walking for granted. She can no longer walk due to the side effects of the poison trying to make her better. She’s not DONE fighting, she has more to do, she told me. Not being able to walk or stand alone, her freedom to walk is gone. Gone to use the restroom by herself, gone to fix supper, gone to get the mail. May I remind you, she never complains, ever.

We have a very Alpha mother. She started doing some homework. She found a place that will loan medical equipment for FREE(dom) up to three years! Can you imagine how exciting this is to a person that’s up to their neck in medical bills?! To further my sister’s freedom, our Alpha mother gathered a group (my Pops, brother, nephew, great nephew and brother-in-law) to build a ramp from Kaye’s front door and down to her driveway! All in a matter of 24 hours, Kaye was given “an answered need from God”…a freedom ramp and wheelchair! She says “So easy for me to get to the car & in the car, the FREEDOM RAMP is Wonderful! Thank you Pops, Todd, Nathan, Jake, Luke (for visiting w/your grandma) and Jim!

Thank you, God.

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