This week, I’m writing my newsletter article from the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines while attending the General Assembly of the Christian Church. As I write this on Monday morning, it’s already been a great time of worship, fellowship and learning. Keokuk is present and accounted for!
Pastor Brian Nixon has been front and center at all of our worship services, leading the thousands of Disciples gathered in Des Moines, just as he leads us every weekend. And when Tammy and I attended the farewell reception for our outgoing regional minister, Bill Spangler Dunning, it was good to see our own Noel Brown running the sound!
On Saturday night, Rev. Terri Hord Owens, the General Minister and President of the Christian Church, introduced our theme for the week: “Abide in Me.” Her message was clear – it is only in our connection with the vine that we bear the fruit of the Gospel. When we abide in Jesus, and when we follow in his footsteps, God’s will is done and the church prospers and grows. Even as we are connected to the many other Disciples’ congregations from across the United States and Canada, may we also continue to abide in Jesus!