Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

An Infectious Church

The coronavirus pandemic is something we, as a church, are taking seriously.  We’re doing little things (like changing the way we do communion in several of our services) to limit people’s exposure to germs.  We’re also prepared in other ways should the coronavirus come to town.  However, our mission “to be and share the Good News of Jesus Christ” is one that continues in good times and bad.  You might say our job is to be an infectious church – but in the best ways possible!

            Unfortunately, cold and flu viruses aren’t the only things that are contagious.  Fear and negativity can also spread from one person to another.  Whole systems can be taken down – not by anything as dangerous as an actual virus – but because a spirit of gloom and doom is allowed to proliferate.  So, be careful what you share with others.  And be careful with whom you’re spending time.  Unless you’re actively seeking to bring healing to someone who’s “infected,” make sure you spend time in the presence of people who bring out the best in you.

            There’re lots of viruses going around.  Make sure you’re up to date on your vaccines and join us for worship (in person or online)!

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