Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Posts by Cathleen Courtois (Page 3)

Dry Ground

A while back I wrote about the plethora of worms on our church parking lot after the rain. Not long after, I arrived to work, opened the vehicle door and dried, icky looking worms were stuck to the pavement. Dehydrated worms must not be as sweet as dehydrated fruit, because no birds were flocking to…

Out of Place…

As I walked across the parking lot, something was different and strange – worms! Easily hundreds of worms were wriggling across the cement. Where did they come from? And why would they choose to head across the vastness of the parking lot? Sound familiar? We head down paths that lead us into struggle, destination unknown.…

Making Room!

I love Mondays! The phone is ringing off the hook! There’s a sermon to write (I’ve lost all my notes), there’s someone who needs plumbing help at their house, and, the fridge needs cleaned to have enough space for Wednesday’s Youth Mission Trip Ham Dinner! Woo hoo! After cleaning out a few things, rearranging a…

Prepare Him Room!

Refinishing woodwork gives me time to think. Recently, that led to the list of things undone in my houses. We have no room for the Christmas tree this year, so I’ll be “constructing” one on the wall. In the quiet hum of the heat gun, my heart stirred with the reminder of what I really…

Recently, I passed a Hy-Vee semi. Instinctively, I waved. You see, I have connections to that business. 1) Both of my parents claim Chariton, Iowa, as hometown (Hy-Vee headquarters), 2) My daddy opened the original Keokuk Hy-Vee store, 3) My grandpa drove semi for them. So, for as long as I’ve been driving, I wave…

Thy Word

One of the goals I set for myself for the past 30 days was to have intentional, daily, sitting down with my Bible, not hindered by a schedule. While I enjoy receiving a daily Bible verse via my phone, and e-mail devotionals have arrived at just the moment I’ve needed them, to have that “turning…

Thy Word

One of the goals I set for myself for the past 30 days was to have intentional, daily, sitting down with my Bible, not hindered by a schedule. While I enjoy receiving a daily Bible verse via my phone, and e-mail devotionals have arrived at just the moment I’ve needed them, to have that “turning…

Train Them Up…

I put our two-year old granddaughter to bed. “You would be so proud of your cousin”, I remarked to the four year old granddaughter, “She is closing her eyes and folding her hands now for bedtime prayer.” She asks, “What prayer do you say with her?” I was shocked. I had taught her the same,…