Our mission leads us to be and to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Church Blog (Page 4)

Disciples Together

It’s hard to believe that September 7-8 will be our 7th annual Disciple Together Weekend. The number “7” is a significant one in our tradition. The ancient Israelites recognized that our God is One who is revealed in time. His story is history! And because they understood the importance of time, they also devoted days…

On prayer…

I recently read the quote by Miroslav Volf which said that “There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem that you are unwilling to resolve.” There is some obvious truth in that statement, of course. Though it is hard to swallow the idea that I may, at times, be that hypocrite… However, I…


There’s a scene in the Lion King in which Simba leaves his home because his evil Uncle Scar convinces him he’s something he’s not. Voices from inside and out tell Simba he doesn’t deserve to go home. Eventually, Simba has a vision of his father saying, “Remember who you are!” It reminds me of a…

Full Circle

Two weeks ago, I wrote my Last Word from the floor of the General Assembly at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. This week, I’m writing from a cabin at the Christian Conference Center while Cathie Courtois and her co-director lead my group of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders in a special activity (giving me…

Abide in Me

This week, I’m writing my newsletter article from the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines while attending the General Assembly of the Christian Church. As I write this on Monday morning, it’s already been a great time of worship, fellowship and learning. Keokuk is present and accounted for! Pastor Brian Nixon has been front and…

Freedom Ramp

When we are well and life is fantastic, we take things for granted, even the smallest things. Many of you know I have a sister fighting the BIG fight, and has been for one year, four months. Every single day since Kaye has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer, she has had…

Jubilee is Coming!

“Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” In a world that values productivity, work, and wealth above almost everything else – the command to stop working and look to God is a fairly radical thing. Eugene Peterson once wrote, “I don’t see any way out of it: If we are going to honor the Father,…

Bonfires and Illuminations!

A few years ago, Tammy and I started hosting a little family reunion at our house over the fourth of July. Just before the party our first year, I ran across a quote by John Adams about how Independence Day should be celebrated. He wrote, “It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with…