Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Cathleen Courtois

In December of 1992, I was hired as Church Program Director and have been known around here as “Miss Cathie” ever since! Currently serving as your Administrative Pastor, some of my ministry responsibilities include our special community outreach efforts, coordinating the nursery volunteers/schedules, preaching as needed, and assisting with pastoral visits and calls. I consider myself a “jack-of-all-trades”, which makes serving you an adventure every day!

In the spring of 2000, God tugged on my heart and asked me to finish my education and declare my intent to “be a minister” for Him! How do you say “No” to that? I met with the Upper Midwest Region Ministry Care Team in October of 2000 and was blessed to be given standing as a Licensed (now Commissioned) Minister! I graduated from Southeastern Community College in May of 2004, and completed my BA in Human Services Management in October of 2008.

My husband Steve and I have been married since 1986, have three grown children (Keegan, Kayleigh and Taylor), and are thrilled to treasure five grandchildren! We have two American Bull dogs, Mia and Makai plus cats Marbles and Patches.
My favorite thing to do outside of work is spend time with Steve and the kiddos! Otherwise, you may find me renovating or restoring something in our home, working on a Christmas stocking, a quilt, or reading.

What do I love about FCC?

I love that you took a 5th grade girl, taught and nurtured her into a baptized member and then called her to serve her church family. I love watching you praise God in worship, and work alongside one another to serve him. I love sharing your joys and walking alongside you when life’s journey is difficult. I love welcoming little ones and hearing the faith struggles of teens, and I love that you allow me to do both. I love that we take four distinct services and celebrate as one church for Disciples Together Worship. And I love knowing that no matter what the future holds, we know Who holds the future!

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