Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Behind the Scenes from the Staff

We have made a decision of living in the beautiful Midwest, experiencing different weather seasons. We also experience seasons at church.  In the fall, we have the hustle and bustle of getting our kiddos ready for school.  The joy of new school supplies, new clothes, new shoes and the list goes on.  Currently we are experiencing the lazy days of summer; we get comfy, laid back and pretty much “lazy” about what really should be important to us…like staying on track with our Sunday school lessons, Christian fellowship at church and learning more of the good news of Jesus Christ through weekend sermons.

Each Sunday, as I go around gathering Sunday school envelopes (youth and adult), it is obvious attendance is down.  It may be due to vacations or ball games or simply wanting to sleep in. There are times I feel like sleeping in and then boom…God speaks to me a different plan! Yes, that’s right, HE is saying to me that sleeping in will teach me nothing but getting up and going to church/Sunday school, my week will begin better with God in it more. So here’s to a great week, knowing I’m a child of God who made the decision yet another Sunday to listen to Him. I pray we all continue to listen to Him and deepen our faith walk.

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