Site icon First Christian Church of Keokuk, Iowa

Recently, I passed a Hy-Vee semi. Instinctively, I waved.

You see, I have connections to that business. 1) Both of my parents claim Chariton, Iowa, as hometown (Hy-Vee headquarters), 2) My daddy opened the original Keokuk Hy-Vee store, 3) My grandpa drove semi for them. So, for as long as I’ve been driving, I wave at Hy-Vee drivers, because I figured I’d never know if it was my grandpa or not passing me on the highway until we were so close that he may not see me! Then this came to mind – it works in much the same way with God. We struggle to “see” God if we aren’t close enough. When we pass the Info Wall or a classroom with a LIFE Group info sign, it’s a reminder that connecting with one another in those groups gets us closer to God. Participating in Worship – and having four options to do so each weekend! – is another. Pay close attention to the announcement slides before worship or scrolling in the hallways, for ways to connect with others in this church and deepen your relationship with God. Pray over The Spirit newsletter when you receive it and ask God where you are being called to plug in!

And while you’re at it, wave at every black van you see – it just might be me! 🙂

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